related events

Igor Dobrovolski took part in an innovative project for venture entrepreneurs

March 2023.

Our Team leader participated in the IT Orient innovation project and answered topical questions about startups and their creators. We have posted the most interesting video answers in a separate playlist on our channel. 

We have recorded a video message with a brief presentation of what we are doing

November 2020.

Our Team leader and Creative director have recorded a brief video message for the like-minded people 

The video guide to the product prototype is now available on our website

July 2020.

We have recorded a video guide to the basics of user experience on our digital platform. Here you can view the interface and mechanics of the basic functions.

Digital introductory prototype (v. 0.11) has been placed on Figma 

June 2020.

The introductory prototype of the product was created, including interface integration, links architecture and containments interaction. We have placed the prototype on global service.

Interview with Mind-Reactor CEO

May 2020.

Our CEO answered questions in an interview with the PR service of the Social Idea projects' competition from MTS (AFK Sistema).
At the moment, there is no universal digital platform that provides a convenient and high-quality tool for working together on R&D projects remotely.. The focus of the competition is exactly the same as that of our project: socially-oriented with the use of modern technologies.

We have built the website to make our product development more public

April 2020.

The product is ready to create an MVP according to detailed terms of reference with a process-spatial architecture. A prototype of the product was created and technically constructed, including interface linking and technical architecture. A complete technical specification has been formed with a plan for product production and market launch.

Technological prototype has been created on paper, including the terms of reference for MVP development

March, 2019.

We have completed work on creating a technical specification for building a prototype. The core of the platform is architecturally a powerful and fast repository with many functions, on which a clear and intuitive user interface is strung.
After registering and creating a user profile, all the main functions of the platform are available to the user, in addition to the specialized and unique functions of individual corporate centers.